Export Incentive Planning

Are you aware of the benefits of forming an IC-DISC? An Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation, or IC-DISC, is a U.S. corporation that delivers many notable tax benefits. An IC-DISC offers companies long-term deferral of the tax on export profits, increased liquidity for shareholders, and creates opportunities for management incentives. This type of structure also offers a permanent tax savings of nearly 16% for qualifying U.S. exporters.

Companies based in the United States that regularly export products or work on foreign construction projects to provide engineering or architectural support, should consider the tax benefits of forming an IC-DISC. This incentive can mean significant tax savings for small and medium-sized manufacturers, and tax professionals Delerme CPA can help you get started.

Our international tax CPA firm can assist qualifying companies in taking advantage of IC-DISCs and other U.S. export incentives. Our international tax advisors and wil work hard to ensure your organization is taking full advantage of the tax savings realized by forming an IC-DISC.

IC-DISC tax services include:

Contact Delerme CPA now at 678-585-6580 to discuss the tax benefits of forming and IC-DISC for your international business. We speak fluent English and Spanish.